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Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 6:36 pm
by OneBardGooner
DB10GOONER wrote:
Sat Oct 03, 2020 6:19 pm
Right now someone is trying to explain the concept of irony to Trumptard. :lol:

I wonder if any of the Medical Staff are Black or Hispanic???? :D

Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 6:38 pm
by OneBardGooner
This is his GP:


Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 9:09 pm
by Nos89
Surely, the USA voting population is not going to fall for him twice? Two weeks to go and he is miles behind in the polls. If he wins a second term, it will be one of Putin's greatest achievements.

Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 1:54 pm
Nos89 wrote:
Mon Oct 19, 2020 9:09 pm
Surely, the USA voting population is not going to fall for him twice? Two weeks to go and he is miles behind in the polls. If he wins a second term, it will be one of Putin's greatest achievements.
It's highly unlikely but you never can tell when inbred hillabilla's are involved!! :lol:

Nice to see he has suddenly found Jesus though. :lol: :oops: :lol:

"Come now holy lord-ah and baby jebus-ah! Come on down from the mountain-ah and guide Donald-ah!!" :D

Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 7:15 am
Watching Trumptard's re-election campaign is like watching a rolling car crash.

Apparently one of the lesser Trumptard daughters (I think it was the one he doesn't want to ride) did some gay rights event and dragged out the old classic mic drop statement of "but I have a gay friend" whilst forgetting the "T" in whatever the fuck that acronym is.... LBQTIZAG or something. Anyway the gays on social media have all gone mental about it. :lol:

Oops own goal by the Trumptard campaign! :lol:

In tomorrow's match highlights Biden levels the score by falling asleep in public and shitting his pants before sitting bolt upright yelling "tell the Kaiser the USA will stay out of this European war!"


Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:15 pm
by OneBardGooner
The guy is a fuckin' Disaster and would be a Disaster no matter what he did... Iy just so happens the Gun Toting loving rednecks and all the rich folk (some are one and the same btw) managed to 'persuade' (*) many of the general public not to vote last time.

There is a very good interview on You Tube with Jackson Browne the singer/songwriter and he lists the devious means that were employed last time to 'persuade' the poor not to vote such as:

The Republican Governor's reducing the number of voting stations and then re-locating them in areas where the average working person would have to travel a distance to AND them queue for 8 - 10 hours to vote; whilst the opening hours of said stations were also that thousands who did queue to vote were turned away at Closing Time.

Trump is a Crook and a openly admitted he fancied his youngest daughter - Yeah she's a looker, but fuckkk to say that openly...

He's a Paedophile end of. And deserves to be shot in the face for that alone.

Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 9:40 am
by OneBardGooner
This is worth a watch:

ex-Pres Obamah unloads on Trump in a rally speech yesterday

Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 12:53 pm
by John F
I can't he!p thinking that the Democrats have an open goal to shoot at but they have employed a Sanogoal equivalent to get the ball over the line. I keep looking for Biden's care nurse to help him shuffle along.I am fairly sure that the social distancing and the masks are not because of Covid but because of Biden stinking of piss and Trump stinking of Seamen.Just think what both of them is going to be like in four years time surely the Democrats could of found someone younger to wipe the floor with him.I have a horrible feeling that despite the polls showing a Biden win that Trump is still in this on account of his Russian friends and unfortunately a lot of people vote on style over substance that's why we don't in this country get bald prime ministers.

Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:01 pm
by Ernie71
Michael Moore is as Anti Trump as anyone.But in 2016 when everyone was predicting a Clinton win he said Trump would be president. This is an amazing interview on this years election.Watch this to the very end and his terrifying prediction about what Trump may do if he loses

Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:12 pm
by Ernie71

Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 1:36 pm
Ernie71 wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:01 pm
Michael Moore is as Anti Trump as anyone.But in 2016 when everyone was predicting a Clinton win he said Trump would be president. This is an amazing interview on this years election.Watch this to the very end and his terrifying prediction about what Trump may do if he loses
Forget Michael Moore mate. He has been totally discredited as a documentary maker after the half truths, agenda-led inaccuracies, and outright lies he told in Fahrenheit 9/11 and Bowling For Columbine.

Hell - even I predicted Trump would defeat Satan's Whore Clinton, the woman and her bitch husband are so hated in Murica! :lol:

Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 3:21 pm
by goonertux
Bookies currently have Biden at 1/6 on. Interesting, as most news sources saying it could still go either way? Bookies normally get it right. Let’s hope so!

Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:05 pm
by OneBardGooner
goonertux wrote:
Wed Nov 04, 2020 3:21 pm
Bookies currently have Biden at 1/6 on. Interesting, as most news sources saying it could still go either way? Bookies normally get it right. Let’s hope so!

Hear Hear!

Trump is THEE most dishonest, contemptible, low-life scumbag C.U.N.T to have ever held the post of US Prez - He is such an UGLY Abomination - I have 3 VERY Good friends who live in the USA one a republican and 2 democrats and they ALL HATE Him.

Where is Lee Harvey Oswald (or rather the men who assassinated JFK) when you need them???

Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 10:27 pm
by goonertux
Hopefully OneBard, there won’t be a need for a shooter, as it’s looking like he’s on his way out of the White House. One down, one to go!

Re: Donald Trump, King of America!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 10:23 am
by OneBardGooner
Ernie71 wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:01 pm
Michael Moore is as Anti Trump as anyone.But in 2016 when everyone was predicting a Clinton win he said Trump would be president. This is an amazing interview on this years election.Watch this to the very end and his terrifying prediction about what Trump may do if he loses
Those two anchor persons/presenters were Typical of US TV afraid of their own shadow and afraid to even hint that something dodgy might be going on regarding this US Election , How can that retard on the right be so naive !!!???

Michael Moore has his flaws but with the contacts he has in the political circles in the US - His suggestion of Trump refusing to leave the WhiteHouse is highly possible.

Best way to get rid of Trump is have some fuckker blow his head off. Sorted. :D